Tag Archives: missions giving

“The Lord Our Provider” (Philippians 4:15-23 sermon)

I’ll never forget the time, just after Cheryl & I had graduated from seminary; I only had a part-time job, and we didn’t have any prospects of finding a full-time church yet; we had just had our first child, and … Continue reading

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“A Confident Future” (Philippians 1:3-6 sermon)

Last week Cheryl & I went with Scott & Tina to get some fruit trees at the Fairgrounds — and we bought two different avocado trees and two satsumas. I LOVE avocados, so if those trees really produce a good … Continue reading

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“The Narrow Way To Heaven” (Matthew 7:13-14 sermon)

A few years ago Cheryl & I were going to a big public event, and we were looking for the line to get in. We saw this one big crowded line, so we figured: That must be the one we … Continue reading

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“Asking & Discerning” (Matthew 7:6-11 sermon)

I loved our Children’s Ministry Bible presentation last week, and I especially appreciated how Dr. Amanda mentioned that she is teaching our kids the importance of CONTEXT in scripture. It’s hard to overstate the importance of that in Bible interpretation. … Continue reading

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